Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Drawing Near...

I cannot thank all of you again for the prayers and messages. God seems to deliver them at just the right time when I need to be uplifted! Please know that you are all in my prayers daily as well. Faith has been sent to the Czech Republic, Belgium, Poland, Turkey, and across the US-in just a week!!!!

I had a beautiful image come to mind in the middle of the night this week. I needed some quiet time with the Lord about 3 am one night, so I pulled myself (quite unwillingly) out of my dark, warm, quiet bed and made my way to my rocking chair. I turned on a light and snuggled in with my Bible and a blanket. The house was dark and quiet-Shawn, Jackson, and our dog, Maddie, were sound asleep. I desperately needed to hear God's word. I have been having terrible visions of tiny caskets, fresh dirt, and empty arms on my mind lately. I am now in my third trimester and I know the time to meet Faith is drawing near. I am clinging to every moment I have with Faith-wanting to remember every kick and squirm just in case it is the last. I do promise to get to the beautiful part! God works in wonderful ways. As I sat in the rocking chair listening to the still, quiet house, I began reading my Bible. All of the verses I was drawn to focused upon being 'chosen' and not alone in this journey. The Lord ordained this journey for our family before He ever created the Earth, moon, and sun. He walks with me and catches every tear I cry. I know that He hurts to see all of us hurt so, but I also know He has a greater plan. There was joy as I sat alone with the Lord knowing that He loves me enough to carry Faith and be her mommy. He knows how every bit of this journey will end, why it is happening, and how it will bring glory to His name. My job is to have faith and rest in Him. Other verses I found that night reminded me that I am not alone. The beautiful image the Lord gave me was that as I sat alone in a quiet, dark, rocking chair, someone across the world from where I am might very well be praying for Faith with me. Maybe at 3am in Houston, there was someone in Poland or Turkey or Ohio praying for Faith-my middle of the night prayer partner! I truly mean it when I say your prayers keep me going. Thank you, thank you again!!!

Monday I went to see Dr. Adam, our perinatologist. My mom and sister were able to go with me. Shawn is saving his days for important doctor visits and for after Faith arrives. I, in the meantime, have decided that I can no longer brave doctor visits by myself. I need a babysitter, and on Monday I had two of my favorite women join me. I was nervous about my fluid levels being too high, but glory to God, they were not high enough to drain! Thank you, again, for those specific prayers! The ultrasound confirmed that Faith's conditions are the same and shed some light on what she might look like. She will be our angel girl with or without a perfectly formed body. Some of the details caught me off guard, though. I think mom and sister gasped at a few things we learned. The whole time I tried to stay focused, unemotional, knowing that I needed to gain as much information as I could while we had Dr. Adam in the room. Holding it together is a double-edged sword for me. The tears have to come out-I just pray they come out in a small and private room. Not Monday. After the ultrasound, we got in the elevator and were joined by a baby girl and her daddy. She was precious and cooed while we rode for what seemed to be an eternity in the elevator. I think I literally ran out of the elevator and out of the building to catch my breath. My hurt was wide open for the world to see and I couldn't hold it in. I was so happy for the daddy who had his precious, cooing, sweet smelling baby girl, but so sad for what we had just seen on the black and white screen in Dr. Adam's office. The tears fell...

We all three then went to the hospital to pre-register in case Faith decides to arrive early. The wind was blowing and it was actually cooler than normal-a rarity in Houston! We talked about the things we want to do with Faith and how she will be perfect in Heaven. She will have eyes to see Jesus and a beautiful voice to sing His praises. We went to see the labor and delivery floor and had an angel of a nurse take us for a tour of the floor. I am needing to prepare myself for the day she arrives. Part of my preparation is to see it in my mind-to place the people in the room and imagine the noises and smells. The nurse was so kind to give us pointers for our hospital stay-she even said she would love to be our nurse when the time comes. I know that the Lord sometimes uses strangers for Him to draw near to us in a tangible, human way. Oh how I needed it this day.

We then ate our weight in food and cheesecake-the only way to end a morning like we had! Mom and I bought some new toys for Jackson while we are at the hospital. Anything to bring joy to our little Jackson during this time is a relief! We ended the day purchasing some items for Faith's arrival and eating dinner with Shawn and Jackson. It was an exhausting, yet productive day. The Lord was there at every step making sure we had what we needed. I know He continues to be there and uses each of you reading this and praying for us to draw us near. As the end of our pregnancy draws near, we are drawing more near to the Lord-depending on Him for strength and wisdom.

Thank you, again, for all of your prayers, hugs, smiles, and messages. God has truly used them to wrap us up in His love!


  1. Dear Sweet LaTisha...all I want to do right now is give you and baby Faith the BIGGEST HUG!!! Your Mother in law knows I'm a big hugger so this is as good as I can do from here ((((((((((((LaTisha))))))))))) and (((((((((((FAITH))))))))))))...and then I would cry and pray with you!!
    I read this over 2 hours ago and I just didn't know what to say but I prayed and thought and then I knew what I wanted to do!!! I posted this on my Facebook Wall and I've put a picture that I took one day of a beautiful pink rose and I'm gonna keep it as my profile pic for Baby Faith!! I want it to be a reminder for me and all when they see it to pray for your sweet precious Angel and your family!! And yes you were chosen...for God knew and He knew you'd share your FAITH with others so that we could not only have your Faith with us but that our Faith in Him would be strenghtend by your strength and love!!! Always...always know your never alone and neither is sweet Faith!!!!
    Lots of love, hugs, thoughts and prayers,
    YSIC...Brenda Williams ♥

  2. Shawn, Latisha, & Jackson,

    Please know that you are in our prayers - we are praying for a miracle that Ms. Faith will be able to feel the softness of her crib at home.

    Thank you for sharing your story of Faith - your strength and perseverance in the power of prayer during this difficult time for you guys is amazing.

    All of our prayers,
    Chad & Robin Hensley

  3. Dear LaTisha,
    I don't know if you are aware of it, but today is the Feast of Padre Pio. He has been called the greatest mystic of the 20th century. He was born 5/25/1887 and died 9/23/1968. He became the first priest in the history of the Catholic Church to bear the stigmata (the five wounds of Jesus). Below is a prayer written by Padre Pio that I thought might give you comfort in this very trying time.

    All my love and prayers,

    A Prayer to Jesus
    by St. Pio of Pietrelcina

    Oh my Jesus,
    give me Your strength
    when my weak nature rebels
    against the distress
    and suffering of this life of exile,
    and enable me to accept everything
    with serenity and peace.
    With my whole strength I cling to Your merits,
    Your sufferings, Your expiation, and Your tears,
    so that I may be able to cooperate with You
    in the work of salvation.
    Give me strength to fly from sin,
    the only cause of Your agony,
    Your sweat of blood, and Your death.
    Destroy in me all that displeases You
    and fill my heart with the fire of Your holy love
    and all Your sufferings.
    Clasp me tenderly, firmly, close to You
    that I may never leave You alone
    in Your cruel Passion.
    I ask only for a place of rest in Your Heart.
    My desire is to share in Your agony
    and be beside You in the Garden.
    May my soul be inebriated by Your love
    and fed with the bread of Your sorrow. Amen.

  4. LaTisha,
    Reading your blog today I can see why you cling to these verses.
    13 For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother's womb.

    14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

    15 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place.
    When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

    16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
    All the days ordained for me
    were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.
    The Lord did indeed know what was written for your life even before you were born. We may never know His purpose while on this earth, but we do rest assured that He is with us moment by moment.
    This is a song I first heard when my mom was in the last stages of cancer. Know that I am one of the many standing in the gap for you.

    I heard that you were hurting

    That you were suffering pain

    But I didn't dare just turn my head

    And look the other way
    For when your heart is aching
    My heart is aching too
    Let me help you bear your burden
    That's the least that I can do

    I'll be standing in the gap for you
    Just remember someone, somewhere is praying for you
    Calling out your name
    Praying for your strength
    I'll be standing in the gap for you
    Right now you may be troubled
    But everything will work out fine
    For the Spirit knows before you speak
    What is on your heart and mind
    So I'll be interceding
    Til your standing strong again
    The peace that passes understanding
    Is going to be yours, but until then

    So hang on my friend
    It won't be long
    And you have the strength
    To carry on
    For when two or three are walking together
    It will be a much lighter load
    For isn't that what a brother and a sister are for
    Babbie Mason Lyrics
    "Babbie Mason Standing In The Gap lyrics"
    Love and many prayers,

  5. Latisha,

    I wanted you to know that your in my thoughts and prayers. Your faith is inspiring to me as is the wonderful grace you have, my wish for you and your family is much love, comfort, and peace.


  6. Latisha, I had no idea that you were expecting, but I want to tell you that your words are so inspiring. It amazes me how strong your faith-filled words are and how Faith is so blessed to have you and Shawn. Your words are so powerful...they really make me stop to thing how much we learn from our our faith is so important as parents, and keeping on the path that is set for us while continuing our realtionship with God is so important. Thank you so much for sharing your brave story and for showing people your committment to God, your husband, and your family. Wow, you are all in our prayers, God Bless!!!
